Monday, July 17, 2023


I will extol you, my God and King,
    and bless your name forever and ever.
Every day I will bless you,
   and praise your name forever and ever. Psalm 145:1-2

Thank God It's Monday!

Yep, you read it correctly.  Thank God, it is Monday.

For that means I have a chance to begin the week with just a bit less grumbling, and offering a lot more of that grace I sang about at church yesterday.

For if it is Monday again, I can decide that today, and the days which follow, will be spent focusing more on those I will encounter this day and in the days to come, and less time thinking everything is about me, and everyone should pay more attention to me.

If it is indeed Monday, and the calendar says it is, I will be given the opportunity to gather up all those prayers which were uttered by me and others in worship, and turn them into actual actions of feeding the hungry, seeking justice for the forgotten, working for peace among those who disagree with others, taking care of everyone who is overlooked by the powerful, and listening just a bit more carefully to those I say are most important in my life.

For if today is Monday, and I am just starting the week, I can put on my calendar those moments when I will turn off my device and listen to the silence, when I will cancel a committee meeting (which is unnecessary to start with) so folks can catch a breather in their days, and I can pause before firing up my device in order to watch the sun rising and the mist over the lawns and the birds flitting across the sky.

It is Monday.

Thank God!

(c) 2023 Thom M. Shuman

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