Monday, October 31, 2011


I wish this was original with me, but it is not. 

Yesterday in church, the liturgist talked about how so many people see Christmas as the most Christian holiday of the year.  After all, he said, it is that time when we give gifts to those we love; but, what is so unusual about that, he mused.  Isn't that something we do, or should do, all year long?

For him, Halloween is the most Christian holiday.  Think about it, he said, you go up to someone's door (often a stranger), you knock, they open the door, and no matter how scary you look, no matter what 'costume' you might be wearing, no matter who you are, no matter if they know you or not  -  they give you a gift.  And isn't that what Christianity is all about, he remarked.  Giving of ourselves to folks, no matter how strange, or scary, or different they might be?

There's a lot of truth in what he said. 

So, many folks see Halloween as satanic; so many want to spend time, effort, and money on 'Hell Nights' trying to convert folks out of fear; so many want to see it as the evil one's night. 

But it is that night when we can, simply and with a lot of fun, give to those we don't recognize, don't know, may never see again. 

And isn't that what Christianity is all about?

(c) 2011  Thom M. Shuman

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