Monday, July 01, 2024

July 1st

"He will send from heaven and save me, 
    he will put to shame those who trample on me.
God will send forth his steadfast love 
   and his faithfulness." Psalm 57:3

when i want to hide under
the covers because it is just
so scary out there, send
those little birds who will sing
glad songs of hope.
when i need to go through
more physical therapy
because the knuckleheads
just refuse to stop pummeling
me with the bitter words, send
those gentle hands which
will ease the tight muscles
of my soul.
when it seems that i am
the only one who sees that
little glimmer of hope 
there in the eye of the old
folks who everyone discounts
simply because, well because
they are old, may i not turn
away but learn from those
faithful, not-so-ancient-as-we-think

(c) 2024 Thom M. Shuman

Venmo: @Thom-Shuman

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