Saturday, September 07, 2024

September 7th

"'Oh, that I knew where I might find him,
   that I might come even to his dwelling!'" Job 23:2

we put on our masks and
play dress up with garments 
woven from our fears and worries,
going from house to house 
hoping to find the one where
grace and hope will be offered,
not platitudes filled with sugary promises.
we linger outside on summer evenings
when everyone else is heading in
for an evening of being seduced 
by the mindless pap on all devices,
continuing to gently call out,
'ollie, ollie, oxen free' in hopes
you will rustle the bushes or
giggle from behind your hiding place
so we can join you, enveloped by
your loving arms, as you sing 
gentle lullabies until we fall asleep
and you carry us to our beds,
where we will sleep all night in peace,
while you sit in the corner, the light
turned down low, keeping watch
as you always do, even when 
we think you are looking the other way.

(c) 2024 Thom M. Shuman

Venmo: @Thom-Shuman

Friday, September 06, 2024

September 6th

"Then Job answered: 'How long will you torment me, and break me in pieces with words?'" Job 19:1-2

they were wrong to teach us
that childhood mantra,
for in truth, words do hurt us.
the peers watching us while
giggling behind their hands, might
as well be shouting 'loser!'
the friend who suddenly shares
all those secret fears and doubts
with folks i barely know, breaks
my heart into a million pieces like
Humpty falling off that wall.
and the family member who 
cannot seem to be able to keep
from bringing up that epic fail
every time we gather for holidays
keeps ripping the scab 
off my soul, just when i think
it is finally starting to heal.

(c) 2024 Thom M. Shuman

Venmo: @Thom-Shuman 

Thursday, September 05, 2024

September 5th

"'where then is my hope?
    Who will see my hope?'" Job 17:15

if you notice the single parent
at the sports event of their child
who, when it ends, kisses them
and then heads out to a second job
so they can keep living in their home.
if you catch the teenager who goes
through the neighborhood, stopping
at the homes of the oldest residents
to mow their yards, walk their dogs,
set out their garbage cans for the morning.
if you drive past the empty parking lot
where a community's grocery store
used to be before corporate closed it, 
and wonder about the knot of folks
gathered to offer meals to any one

who just happens to show up,
now you know from where 
my hope

(c) 2024 Thom M. Shuman

Venmo: @Thom-Shuman

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

September 4th

"'my transgression would be sealed up in a bag, and you would cover over my iniquity.'" Job 14:17

every day, you come by,
tapping on the door, and
as you holler, 'housekeeping,'
you step into our lives, 

stripping the beds of the sheets
damp with those tears of grief
over our lives not turning out
the way we thought,
dumping the ash trays
where we snubbed out 
the embers of our faded hopes,
using the broom to sweep up
all the broken promises which
we let fall from our lips and
shatter on the floors of another's soul,
stacking the washer with the glasses
and plates of another meal of misery
warmed up in the microwave, and
as you carry the bag out to the curb,
you turn to whisper, 'i'll keep coming
back to help, even if you hang the
do not disturb sign on your heart.'

(c) 2024 Thom M. Shuman

Venmo: @Thom-Shuman

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

September 3rd

"God is a righteous judge, and a God who has indignation every day." Psalm 7:11

it is not just at night any more, 
that you wake up calling for
Jesus to bring you a glass
of cold milk or for the Spirit
to bring you some antacid tablets.
the heartburn you experience
while you watch our hearts grow
colder towards those who are
ignored by the powerful (which 
are most of us, in truth) and who
are forgotten by the privileged
(again, us when we look in mirrors)
churns your stomach into a 
cauldron of aggrieved acid which
sticks with you every day.
may we be the healing YOU need
by becoming more compassionate
more caring, more gracious, and
more just, so the ulcers we cause
will finally go away.

(c) 2024 Thom M. Shuman

Venmo: @Thom-Shuman

Monday, September 02, 2024

September 2nd

"For the needy shall not always be forgotten,
   nor the hope of the poor perish forever." Psalm 9:18

we gaze at the night sky
and think of your skills
as an incredible astrophysicist.
we watch tiny little ants
carry loads far outweighing them
and marvel at your biological acumen.
we take note of the rich variety
of plants, of minerals, of birds,
of animals, of humans all around
and are stunned by your imagination.
when we listen to the songs
of Hannah and Mary about
your overturning our orderly ways
and rearranging pecking orders,
when we pay close attention
to the people Jesus chooses
to hang out with all of his life,
we can't help but conclude 
that you see your sole vocation
as being that of caring for the

(c) 2024 Thom M. Shuman

Venmo: @Thom-Shuman

Sunday, September 01, 2024

September 1st

"If iniquity is in your hand, put it far away, and do not let wickedness reside in your tents." Job 11:14

when we want to reach
out and hold tight to the hand
of temptation as if we 
were teenagers on our first date,
slowly loosen our fingers, 
helping us to flex them so
we can stroke the fur of a
frightened dog who shakes
every time the thunder rolls.
when we think the best route
is to turn our souls into 
airbnbs for the knuckleheads
of cruelty to rent out for 
as long as they need, gently
whisper in our ears that we
might want to turn them 
into shelters for the grace,
the hope, the justice which
has been kicked to the side
of the road by the privileged.

(c) 2024 Thom M. Shuman

Venmo: @Thom-Shuman