Thursday, September 05, 2024

September 5th

"'where then is my hope?
    Who will see my hope?'" Job 17:15

if you notice the single parent
at the sports event of their child
who, when it ends, kisses them
and then heads out to a second job
so they can keep living in their home.
if you catch the teenager who goes
through the neighborhood, stopping
at the homes of the oldest residents
to mow their yards, walk their dogs,
set out their garbage cans for the morning.
if you drive past the empty parking lot
where a community's grocery store
used to be before corporate closed it, 
and wonder about the knot of folks
gathered to offer meals to any one

who just happens to show up,
now you know from where 
my hope

(c) 2024 Thom M. Shuman

Venmo: @Thom-Shuman

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