Saturday, January 04, 2025

January 4th

"I am writing to you . . . because . . ." 1 John 2:12

the word of hope
tweeted in the wee hours
to a lonely teen;

the email dashed off
to the across-the-ocean
friends just diagnosed
with cancer;

the heart emojied
to the one loved
in silence;

the lifetime shared
with children
in a classroom . . .

you don’t always
write in cursive.

(c) Thom M. Shuman

Venmo: @Thom-Shuman

Friday, January 03, 2025

January 3rd

"And he dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth, the top of it reaching to heaven; and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it." Genesis 28:12

sometimes, faith is 
that two-step ladder which
makes it easy to reach 
the cookie jar.
sometimes, faith is 
that ladder which reaches 
the roof so we can clean out
the gutters of our lives of
all the debris which fills us.
sometimes, faith is that
scaffolding wrapped around us
so you can do a total renovation.
but best of all, faith is that
ladder which lets us climb to
the top bunk, while you sleep
on the bottom, there to catch us
if we should ever roll off.

(c) 2025 Thom M. Shuman

Venmo: @Thom-Shuman

Thursday, January 02, 2025

January 2nd

"So Abram went, as the LORD had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran. Abram took his wife Sarai and his brother’s son Lot, and all the possessions that they had gathered, and the persons whom they had acquired in Haran; and they set forth to go to the land of Canaan." Genesis 12:4-5

there's that small, meaningless word,
but perhaps the most important.
he went, she went, they went.
packed up their belongings 
in an RV, maybe towing a trailer,
and headed out to a place 
that could have easily been labeled
'here be dragons.'
but they went.
and all they had
was a challenge from a strange
(to put it mildly) God,
nothing in writing, just some 
odd words about being blessings,
as well as some vague directions
consisting of the word 'go.'
but they went.
and truth be told
if this strange God 
gave us the same challenge,
our response would probably be
to tell God to get lost.

(c) 2025 Thom M. Shuman

Venmo: @Thom-Shuman

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

January 1st

On the lips of children and of babes
you have found praise . . . Psalm 8:2a (The Grail)

in the soft breathing
of the newborn placed
in its mother's arms, 
we hear the Spirit 
moving on the first
morning of creation.
in the excited jabber
of the toddler whose eyes
grow bigger every time
a firefly floats across 
the night sky, 
we hear the Word
calling all life into being.
in the young ones
who begin to make up
their own stories, as we
carry the closed book 
out of the room at night,
we hear the Imagination
of the universes saying simply,
'that's so good!'

(c) 2025 Thom M. Shuman

Venmo: @Thom-Shuman