Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Second Wednesday of Advent

"Our God comes and does not keep silent;" Psalm 50:3a

hedge funds buy up
medical practices and
hospitals right and left,
closing many, limiting 
access in others, but 
since they still accept
our plan, we say nothing.
elected officials grant 
tax incentives to businesses
and cronies who fund 
their campaigns, while
the families lose their homes,
but since it is NIMBY, 
we keep our mouths shut.
we are so busy following
the Swift changing news
and wondering how our
sports team will do 
at the end of the season,
while people shiver 
on every street corner, 
yet since we are warm
and cozy in our bubbles
with our smart TVs turned up

your words 
fall on deafened ears.

(c) 2023 Thom M. Shuman

Venmo: @Thom-Shuman 

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