Saturday, March 08, 2025

First Saturday in Lent

"to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show every courtesy to everyone."  Titus 3:2

rather than choosing
to be silent about the
way others are treated,
may we stand up 
to the haters.
rather than nibbling
on our bitter hearts
so we have enough bile
to spew on others,
may our words become
the warmth those frozen
out of compassion need.
rather than slamming the door
on all those with whom we disagree,
may we step out on the porch
to share a cup of coffee.
rather than pulling up 
the built-in thesaurus 
on our devices so we 
have all the words to stun
others into silence,
may we turn it off
so we can listen instead.
rather than watching the new
family working to get
the moving van unloaded
before the storm hits,
may we gather some neighbors
and lend them our help.
rather than being the folks
we have always been,
may we try every moment
to become who you long
us to be.

(c) 2025 Thom M. Shuman

Venmo: @Thom-Shuman

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