Monday, October 16, 2023


1 Corinthians 13

i can know love 
in every language, but
if i don't give it away,
i am lost in translation.
if i could tell what is
going to happen tomorrow 
or know all the quiz show answers
or am smarter than Stephen Hawking
but simply cannot love, i am clueless.
if i live off the grid and
leave no carbon footprint,
but i refuse to walk in love,
i am a poor role model in life.

love will wait, however long it might be.
love chooses gentleness over aggression.
love does not want what you have,
is not narcissistic,
won't push others away,
and refuses to be mean.
love does not cut in line,
won't chase you off its lawn,
never carries a grudge.
love doesn't do cartwheels
over another's legal troubles
and won't share fake news.
love yokes itself to the struggling,
listens without judging to pain-filled stories,
believes the best in others,
will never give up or give in.

love can never not be love.
sound bytes will be forgotten,
the latest scam rooted out,
the best-selling book 
will soon gather dust.
we are still in preschool
just learning love's language,
but soon we will be
as fluent as anyone else.
i look in the mirror and
see only my loneliness
but one day, the Beloved
Community will be there,
gathered all around me.
even though i take baby steps,
the day will come when i realize
love has been that beat in my heart
from my very first breath.

faith is so tenacious.
hope is incredibly persistent.
and love?
love is too damn stubborn
to ever give up.

(c) 2023 Thom M. Shuman

Venmo: @Thom-Shuman

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