Friday, February 21, 2020


“Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when he is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is.”  1 John 3:2

when you pull
back the curtain,
may i be known
as a heart
for the most vulnerable;
as a voice
for justice and peace;
as a hand
for those needing help;
as a back
to hold up the falling;
as an eye
for hope just over the horizon;
as an ear
to those crying themselves to sleep;
as a knee
for little kids to bounce on;
as a foot
to stick in the doors
about to be slammed on outsiders;
as a lap
for kittens and big dogs
who think they are tiny;
as a head
which is hard enough
to withstand silly insults
and soft enough to see good everywhere;
as fingers longing to be entwined
with my love’s for eternity;
as toes daring enough
to dip into the living waters
lapping on the beaches of grace;
as a soul more in love
with your children than myself,
and more in love with you
with every breath i take.

© 2020 Thom M. Shuman

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